About Us

The House

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Our Story

My dad has dreamed about saving this place for years. I am in my twenties now, but I remember coming to the lake as a child and passing by the overgrown lot. My dad would tell me about the beautiful house in the woods. Hearing the story always intrigued me (the story as my dad imagined it, that is). This place caught my dad’s attention long before the trees and brush had grown to hide it from view, long before he knew the depth of its beauty, and long before we knew its real story. For my dad, the thought of the life that once filled the rooms of this now abandoned home was undeniably moving. It lit a spark in him, and that spark brought us here.

On March 29, 2018, the dream finally started to come to life. The sale of the house closed, my dad and my mom officially owned this place, and then, the work began. Here, they will share with you the progress, frustrations, and all that comes in between. It won’t be easy, but it will surely be interesting. Stay tuned because they are just getting started.

This is the story of the journey to save Little Mount Vernon.

Written by Grace, the owners’ daughter